After a round of exams and the nail biting finishes associated with em',I decided to watch a movie.It was the "The Pursuit of Happyness". The movie stars stars like Will smith and Thandie Newton. Its a story of Chris Gardner who inevitably fails in just about everything he tries his hand at, but ultimately stumbles upon a career which he makes his own. But the movie is more than that, since it depicts the tribulations which Chris and his young son Christopher have to undergo.I felt it was a story which each of us can relate to. After all,its this "pursuit" which keeps us going. It also separates the friends from the acquaintances.
The concept of "family values" is highlighted implicitly in this film by the strong portrayals of father-son by Will Smith and his real life son.It tells us that life is not as bad as it may seem. A little smart work with some luck and efforts could turn our fortunes.As the saying goes, "Experience is a cruel teacher,it kills all its students". Real life is not so endearing if the decisions are not correct. Evidently ,the more bitter the experience ,the more enlightened we become.Some people are born with a sense of perfection and impeccably they always arrive at the right decision at the right time. Many others who seemingly "learn with time" have to undergo this catharsis.
Be it the scene at the train station where Will creates a make believe theme park full of dinosaurs for his son, or the moment when he gets hit by a car but still returns to work, Chris Gardener's esprit-de-corps is what inspires you. In real life Chris has made a fortune for himself by dabbling in the stock market. His struggle for existence is an epic in itself meant to be read in order to restore faith in the triumph of human spirit.