It's been a while since i wrote any stuff ,felt a little left out of the "blogger's world".For years ,people have been categorised as either optimists or pessimists.I met a third kind..the "realists". An optimists is always raring to go, and full of uncurbed enthusiasm. A pessimist is one who always seems to have a glass "half-empty". A realist, is one who is calculated and does'nt like to sit out neither does he/she intends to be too vainglorious.Some of my heroes from the realms of books have been "Don Vito Corleone", a.k.a. The GodFather.In one of the novels called "Sicilian" there is a protagonist who is much like the hero from Sherwood Forest , RobinHood. He robs the rich and offers the money to the needy. Such an "idealistic" person creates many enemies. Don Corleone remarks at the end of the novel about being practical, and trying to remain more of a mortal. "Idealistic Optimism" certainly kills , is what he says. Indirectly, the Don points out that realities of life are harsh and no one can surpass them.You have to face em'.
Another story soliciting my case, is of the Spartans. Personally, I admire King Leonidas for facing the powerful army of Persians with a strength of 1000 men by his side. Yet, on second thoughts,he could have saved Sparta and her army from getting obliterated without a trace.He didnot take the essential precautions before leaving his family as well,despite being aware of traitors. Secondly, he was actually inviting death by defending Sparta's glory with only 300 of his men.
Pessimists, too are a bit of worry in politics especially. They are the ones who always gear up to obstruct any novel idea or concept promulgated by any of the representatives.A coterie of pessmists can wreak havoc by objecting to development projects and new infrastructure.
As a "realist", it is better to "Stay Foolish and Stay Hungry" during battle. But, at other times, the acceptance or rejection of ideas must be dealt with ,with a pinch of "pessimist's" salt..
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
6 months ago