The most pertinent question since the creation of the cosmos is- "What women want??".Albeit ,many attempts have been made including that of a movie by the same name.While Mel Gibson may be the lucky bastard to actually hear what women think, the real world situation is not so simple. One can say, it's complex the way people make it sound.On hindsight , luck is one of the factors to contend with. There are certain rules which need to be followed in general called "tenets of flirting".
Rule 1: Never show that you are trying to flirt.
Rule 2: You might gain sympathy the first time you moan about your life and sob about it.
Rule 3: Limit "Sob stories" to the minimum. It's boring if you try to score by belting out your frustrations. The girl will kick you where it hurts the most after a while.
Rule 4: Praise the girl's intelligence more than her looks!!! This is for "non-blonde" type behavior.
Rule 5: Don't overdo Rule 4, the story might not have a happy ending!
Rule 6: Always verify that the girl is single, won't hurt to ask impertinent questions and being a little too courageous.
Rule 7: Be practical!! No one should take you for a ride!!
Rule 8: Invest graciously by paying her bills initially. After a few outings she will pay ur rent.
Rule 9: If the signals are right, discard the rules and follow free-will.
P.S. This is just a teaser, myself and a bunch of other heartbroken guys are trying to put this knowledge together in a book. Please contribute graciously with anecdotes and snippets.
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