Dante Alighieri in his epic poem The Divine Comedy,mentions the seven deadly sins as follows:Lust,Gluttony,Greed,Sloth,Wrath,Envy, and Pride. I came to know about all this only after watching the thriller seven starring the impeccable Morgan Freeman as Officer Somerset who has a mind which works faster than the lawbreakers'. His accomplice is Brad Pitt ,again a superb performance as Detective Willis,who looks passionate about work and his childhood sweetheart played by Gwyneth Paltrow.The tale completely has you involved and tied to the seat without winking even once. Its the underlying thought which suddenly grabbed my attention. Are we thinking about our actions?
If the aforementioned qualities or should I say "vices" then we all are sinners.A Purgatory with seven terraces has to be constructed in this case to absolve us of any such wrongdoings.But , do we care? Its the way life was meant to be. Today's world has mind over matter.We are working at a neck break pace to get what we want."The ends justify the means" is what we idolise.
Expanding the realms of this discussion and porting it to a corporate environment,we can see for ourselves, the effects of this school of thought.The most successful people in this world do value "Ethics". Most others treat it as another word in the lexicon. An ethical workplace nurtures professionalism within an industry. It spurs on people to do things the "right way".
The movie may have a little ghastly ending.It may have over dramatised the situation.
But it certainly sends a message for us to ponder over..
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